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Reduce Energy Consumption


The production of 1 kWh of electrical energy in South Australia releases around 700g of CO2 into the atmosphere. This figure increases in other Australian states that have less renewable energy in their mix.


ecotechsoft has the skills and capabilities to carry out energy assessments that are in line with the enerdy audits described in the new standards under the AS/NZS 3598 series.


Different audit types


To provide more consistent outcomes, each standard includes three well-defined levels of audit:


Type 1 – Basic energy audit

Type 2 – Detailed energy audit

Type 3 – Precision subsystem audit.


Standards Australia has developed new standards for undertaking energy audits—the AS/NZS 3598 series. The series has three standards to cater for different types of activity:
3598.1 Energy audits – Commercial buildings
3598.2 Energy audits – Industrial and related activities
3598.3 Energy audits – Transport related activities

The new standards replace the single AS/NZS 3598:2000 Energy audits standard, which was based on energy audits of commercial buildings. It emphasised process, had relatively light technical requirements and the energy audit levels were not tightly defined. This led to variability in the quality of energy audits performed.

Each standard in the new series has been designed to meet specific business needs. They are outcomes-based with more rigorous technical requirements for data collection and analysis than their predecessor.


Features of the new standards


Developed to be consistent with international energy management standards, the AS/NZS 3598 series encourages best practice, building on the lessons of the past 14 years of energy efficiency programs. The new standards will provide:


more certainty for clients and auditors

more detailed audits, focused on providing business outcomes

better consistency of deliverables

better quality assurance.


Ultimately, the new standards should lead to increased energy performance at company level and improved energy productivity more broadly. 


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