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Measure your Footprint



Calcualting your operation's footprint presents a rigorous method to assess the energy efficiency of your business.


ecotechsoft has experience in calculating the carbon outcomes of a multitude of busness activities. Below is select example of some of the formulas used in this endeavour. 


Electricity : use (kWh/yr) * EF (kg CO2e/kWh) = emissions (kg CO2e/yr)

Natural Gas : use (MJ/yr) * EF (kg CO2e/MJ) = emissions (kg CO2e/yr)

Fuel Oil: use (litres/yr) * EF (kg CO2e/litre) = emissions (kg CO2e/yr)

LPG : use (litres/yr) * EF (kg CO2e/litre) = emissions (kg CO2e/yr)

Waste : use (kg/week) * 52 * EF (kg CO2e/kg) = emissions (kg CO2e/yr)

Water : use (litres/day) * 365 * EF (kg CO2e/kWh) = emissions (kg CO2e/yr)


Measuring the carbon footprint of your business on a yearly basis will provide the management with information on the performance of the business activities.


It is also prudent to develop key performance indicators (KPIs) for your business. The following KPIs are also usefull to benchmark your operations against similar businesses in Australia and indeed around the world.


kgCO2 per student per year - for schools, TAFEs and Universities


kgCO2 per kg of plastic granulates used - for plastic injection moulders


kgCO2 per tonne per kilometer - for transport companies


kgCO2 per patron per year - for pubs and clubs


kgCO2 per meal per year - for restaurants


Every business type has individual KPIs that can be compared against competitors. ecotechsoft can assist your business in developing appropriate measuring methodologies and KPIs.





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