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Continual Improvement
Excelent organisations are:
Achieving Balanced Results - meet their mission and progress towards their vision through planning and achieving a balanced set of results that meet both the short and long term needs of their stakeholders and, where relevant, exceed them
Adding Value For Customers- know that customers are their primary reason for being and strive to innovate and create value for them by understanding and anticipating their needs and expectations
Leading With Vision,Inspiration & Integrity - have leaders who shape the future and make it happen, acting as role models for its values and ethics
Managing by Processes - are managed through structured and strategically aligned processes using fact-based decision making to create balanced and sustained results
Succeeding Through People - value their people and create a culture of empowerment for the balanced achievement of organizational and personal goals
Nurturing Creativity & Innovation - generate increased value and levels of performance through continual and systematic innovation by harnessing the creativity of their stakeholders
Building Partnerships - seek, develop and maintain trusting relationships with various partners to ensure mutual success. These partnerships may be formed with amongst
others, customers, society, key suppliers, educational bodies or nongovernmental organizations
Taking Responsibility For A Sustainable Future - embed within their culture an ethical mindset, clear Values and the highest standards for organizational behaviour, all of which enable them to strive for economic, social and ecological sustainability.