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Electricity Health Check
for the Home
If you had enough of paying huge electricity bills, contact ecotechsoft to arrange for an Electricity Health Check
Be proactive, click here for more details
If you want to save money and the it with EASE App!!
ecotechsoft is the sole license holder for a suite of sustainability assessment software. Click here for a presentation
Improve your bottom line
electricity health check
contact ecotechsoft to arrange a health check for your business
Click here view our pamphlet
changes to
Network Costs
Your network costs are determined by the South Australian Power Networks and can not be negotiated. They can be reduced by:
managing your maximum demand
reducing your total electricity consumption
let ecotechsoft assist you in minimising network costs
Start saving now!
Contact ecotechsoft for experienced advice
How it is done
Energy management is a specialist field and many companies do not employ the required skill-set to manage energy successfully.
ecotechsoft has decades of experience in the areas of:
electricity metering and monitoring
electricity procurement
demand side management
reduction in consumption
efficiency opportunities assessment
gas procurement
gas burner efficiency
fuel switching
"I have been working with Peter for a number of years on many occasions and continue being impressed with his detailed knowlege in the area of energy efficiency and sustainability. In addition he is a very enthusiastic person whose pleasant personality and generally positive attitude make him a pleasure to work with. Utterly dependable and even inspirational!"
Ekkehard Groskreutz, Managing Director at Eco Energy Holdings